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Struggling to find enough business?

There are a fair few different ways to bring new business in and close sales. We are a team that specialize in the main and most effective ones. Unless you have spent over 10,000 hours learning these techniques and staying current with constant changes, chances are you are struggling to take this business from your competition, who have most likely found a semi-competent team to outsource that expertise and implementation to…

Did you know that every day lots of people in your area take to the internet to find a business just like yours? This is true even if you are selling part of the moon! (‘buy land on the moon' gets searched for 1,000 times a month) Another factor to note is are you ranking and getting traffic and business from terms that are not your main few? (for example, ‘buy a piece of the moon' is searched for 590 times and ‘buying land on the moon' an additional 320 times and the list goes on)

Your role is to provide a great service to your customers and get handsomely rewarded for that. Your role should NOT be to optimize your sites, build hundreds of citations, setup and manage social profiles, get social signals, and try to navigate the 2,000+ rankings signals that determine site rankings… That is where we come in. If you don't understand what any of that means, just think of it this way, we get your phones to ring (or however you conduct business) with more business than you know what to do with! We have had clients expanding their business and hiring more staff just to keep up with the increase, and we want to do the same for you!

Here are the facts though, we are a small business of a few tech and SEO geeks, who have developed all our own in house systems, which is what allows us to keep our prices down while having a huge advantage over competitors. It also means we can choose who we work with. We need to ‘interview' each other to make sure we are a good fit. Every client we have dealt with, we have made them a substantial amount of income and this is due to the fact that we both have set expectations and understanding.

With that in mind, we are performance based, and can also do small tasks that have a big impact. We ask that you simply fill out the short form below and we will do an analysis and reply to you with our suggested steps forward.

Looking forward to changing your business and your life,

Colin & the Serped Team:

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